Homemade serum for Longer Lashes

https://www.beauty-deeds.com/2019/10/homemade-serum-for-longer-lashes.htmlHI,missed you,today i come with homemade lash lengthening serum that is made from natural
Let's see what we gonna need:
  • Clean old mascara tube
  • Castor oil
  • Sweet almond oil
  • Vitamin E oil

You gonna bring the mascara tube and fill 3/4 of it with castor oil and 1/8 of it with Sweet Almond Oil and another 1/8 of it with Vitamin E oil.

Close the mascara tube and mix the ingredients together carefully.
Apply this lash serum before going to sleep every night and you will see great results within 2 weeks and may be before that as The result vary from person to person.

Some people see results immediately and others take time, i made the serum for my sister and it made her bottom lashes longer than before.
I have been using mine for a couple weeks and i do see a difference.
I advise you to try it and you have nothing to lose as the ingredients are natural,and no chemicals applied.
Take care not to put too much serum on your lashes,,very little amount will make a difference.

Loving what this Homemade lash lengthening Serum doing to your lashes? check out my beauty recipe of Homemade Eyebrow Thickening Serum https://www.beauty-deeds.com/2019/10/homemade-eyebrow-thickening-serum.html
For more easy DIY beauty recipes follow Natural Beauty and beauty deeds Pinterest boards:

Love you,wait for my new upcoming recipes.  

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